Health Care Professionals Who Properly Blow The Whistle On Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, and Other Types of Health Care Fraud Can Receive Large Financial Rewards by Texas Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer & Texas Health Care Fraud Lawyer Jason S. Coomer
Health care fraud whistleblower reward lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, works with health care professionals to expose Medicare fraud, Medicaid fraud and other forms of health care fraud. By working with health care professionals and other health care fraud whistleblower lawyers, he is able to confidentially review health care fraud whistleblower lawsuits and protect the whistleblower while determining if the health care fraud whistleblower case is the original source of specialized information of health care fraud that can be the basis for a large health care fraud whistleblower reward.
For more information on a potential Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit, feel free to contact Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form.
Health Care Fraud Whistleblowers including Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers and Medicare Fraud Whistleblowers Have Helped The Federal and State Governments Recover Billions of Dollars and Have Received Large Financial Rewards For Exposing Health Care Fraud
Health Care Whistleblower Reward Lawsuits are the most effective method for identifying and preventing large scale health care fraud against the government. As such, the United States and several states have enacted health care whistleblower reward laws that harness the power of economic incentives by offering large monetary rewards to whistleblowers that properly report significant fraud. As a health care whistleblower reward lawyer, Jason Coomer works with whistleblowers to confidentially gather information regarding several different types of health care whistleblower rewards including Medicare fraud whistleblower reward lawsuits and Medicaid fraud whistleblower reward lawsuits.
For more information on this area of law, please go to the Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Reward Lawsuit Information or following web pages:
Hospital Medicare Fraud Lawyer and Health Care System Fraud Lawyer
Hospital Medicare Upcoding Fraud Whistleblower Reward Lawyer
Texas Home Health Care Fraud Lawyer and Retirement Community Fraud Lawyer
Dentist Medicaid Fraud Lawyer and Orthodontist Medicaid Fraud Lawyer
Federal Health Care Program Kickback, Referral, and Bribery Claim Lawyer
Inflated Average Wholesale Price Whistleblower Lawyer & Drug Price Fraud Lawyer
Medicaid Illegal Kickback Lawyer and Medicare Fraud Illegal Kickback Lawyer
Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Defects and Dangerous Drug Lawyer
Drug & Medical Device Marketing Fraud Medicare Qui Tam Lawyer
Hospital Formulary Drug Fraud Lawyer & Off Label Marketing Fraud Lawyer
Medicare Compliance, Coding, and Reimbursement Whistleblower Lawyer
Medicare Billing Fraud Lawyer and Medicare Fraud Qui Tam Claim Lawyer
Off-label Pharmaceutical Marketing Fraud Whistleblower Claim Lawyer
Federal False Claims Act Lawsuits Whistleblower Protection Lawyer
Nursing Home, Elder Care, & Skilled Nursing Facilities Medicare Fraud Lawyer
Dentist CHIP Fraud Lawyer and Dental Medicaid Billing Fraud Lawyer
Estate & Probate Financial & Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer
Medical Professionals Can Work Confidentially Through A Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Protection Lawyer To Determine the Validity of a Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Claim and Protect Their Career
Health care professionals including chief financial officers, benefit coordinators, Medicare compliance coordinators, coding specialists, Medicare reimbursement managers, accountants, and other health care professionals are coming forward and blowing the whistle on health system fraud and hospital fraud that costs tax payer hundreds of millions of dollars. By coming forward as the original source of specialized information of Medicare fraud these whistleblowers may receive large economic rewards for being the first to file on these Medicare billing fraud scams, are avoiding potential criminal liability for not reporting Medicare billing fraud, and are helping taxpayers recover large amounts of money.
It is extremely important that health care whistleblowers continue to expose fraud schemes including off-label marketing schemes, illegal kickbacks, fraudulent billing practices, hospice fraud, nursing home fraud, and other Medicare Fraud that cost tax payers hundreds of billions of dollars.
Medicare Reimbursement Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Texas Medicare Reimbursement Manager Whistleblower Lawsuit Information, Medicare Coding Whistleblower Lawsuit, Medicare Compliance Whistleblower Lawsuit, and the Call for Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblowers
Medicare and Medicaid billing fraud scams are costing the United States an estimated one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000.00) each year and with approximately 10,000 new people gaining Medicare benefits each day, the cost of Medicare billing scams including upcoding, double billing, unnecessary services, and billing for services not needed is predicted to continue to increase. To combat Medicare Billing Fraud Scams and Medicaid Billing Fraud Scams, the United States government has amended the Federal False Claims Act to encourage more Medicare Fraud whistleblowers to step up and blow the whistle on Medicare Fraud. Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblowers and Medicare Payment Fraud Whistleblowers that are the original source of specialized knowledge of Medicare Fraud can make substantial recoveries if they are the first to file a successful qui tam claim under the Federal False Claims Act.
Medicare Compliance Professionals and Other Medicare Billing Professionals Often Have Specialized Information That Can Be The Basis of A Medicare Fraud Whistleblower Lawsuit
Medicare Compliance Professionals, Medicare Coders, Medicare Reimbursement Managers, and other health care professionals often can have knowledge of Medicare scams. This specialized knowledge can be the original source of specialized knowledge of Medicare billing fraud that is the basis for a Medicare whistleblower lawsuit. These Medicare billing fraud schemes include several different types of fraud including upcoding and unbundling schemes, double and triple billing fraud, phantom billing fraud, and illegal kickback schemes.
Upcoding Fraud and Unbundling Schemes: Hospitals and health care providers inflate medical bills by using billing codes that indicates the patient needs expensive procedures. This Medicare fraud scheme and Medicaid fraud scheme allow health care providers and hospitals to charge higher rates to Medicare or Medicaid.
Double and Triple Billing Fraud: Hospitals and health care providers also can use double and triple billing fraud schemes that allows them to bill multiple times for the same procedures.
Phantom Billing Fraud: Hospitals and other health care providers can also fraudulently bill Medicare for unnecessary procedures, or procedures that were never performed including unnecessary medical tests and procedures or tests and procedures that were never performed.
Illegal Kickback Schemes: Sometimes patients or subcontractors can be in on the scam by providing Medicare numbers in exchange for kickbacks. The provider bills Medicare and the patient or subcontractor verifies the false billing.
Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Fraud Schemes: These Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Fraud Schemes occur when a hospital or health system intentionally and systematically commits false billing under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). These Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Fraud Schemes can be extremely elaborate and contact elements of upcoding, phantom billing, double billing, and illegal kickbacks.
By coming forward with evidence of these fraudulent schemes, Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblowers become eligible to receive large economic rewards for being the first to file on these Medicare billing fraud scams and can avoid potential criminal liability for not reporting Medicare billing fraud.
Health Care Fraud Whistleblower Lawyers Can Help Health Care Fraud Whistleblowers Protect Their Careers and Expose Health Care Fraud That Can Be the Basis of Large Financial Rewards
If you are a Medicare Compliance Manager, Medicare Reimbursement Manager, Medicare Coding Manager, health care administrator, or other health care professional with original source knowledge of Medicare Billing Fraud or Hospital Medicare Billing Fraud, it is important that you are the first to step forward to blow the whistle on the Medicare Billing fraud. If you are a Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblower that is aware of fraudulent Medicaid billing scam, Medicare kickbacks, Medicaid kickbacks or other Medicare billing fraud scams, feel free to contact Hospital Medicare Billing Fraud Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or our submission form.
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